Enterprise Scale Agile

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A lean-agile mindset brought to life with agile practices can improve time to market, build better products and facilitate experimentation and innovation. But implementing agile methods in an enterprise context where many teams need to work together to build the product can be challenging.

This is where scaling frameworks like the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) come in. Our expert consultants can lead or support your transformation journey, bringing the capacity and the capability to see through transformative change.

We use our extensive experience to help organizations connect strategy to delivery execution on an ongoing iterative basis. We can help implement lean portfolio management approaches to allow the work, and in turn the value, to flow with significantly reduced friction from legacy organization processes.

It is possible to make agile work in larger endeavors with teams of agile teams using approaches like the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) or Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) but adopting a framework is just the beginning. Our consultants bring a wealth of experience in how these frameworks function in the real world. We can tailor the implementation to your specific context and ensure you see through the transformation and embed the change for the long term.

Business Agility

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Ours is a rapidly changing world where products must constantly evolve to survive and win in the market. Business agility, beyond simple IT delivery agility, is required to succeed. New approaches are required to place humans at the center of the design process and evolve solutions through an iterative, build-measure-learn process.

Hypothesis-driven development provides a structured and data-driven approach to product development and decision-making. By focusing on customer needs, reducing risk and uncertainty, improving decision-making, and fostering innovation, businesses can achieve better outcomes in terms of customer satisfaction, market success, and financial performance.

Hypothesis-driven product development approaches and design thinking tools step teams through phases of empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test multiple times. Design thinking tools such as research, personas, empathy maps, user journeys and prototyping and testing techniques help gather insight to evolve the product.

Our experienced consultants can help teams to design and develop products or services that are more aligned with customer expectations. We help teams to reduce development time and costs: by not investing significant resources in developing a complete product or feature without any validation through testing and iteration.

We help companies foster a culture of evidence-based decision-making. Instead of relying solely on gut feelings or opinions, we can use data and insights from experiments to inform choices.

Team & Technical Foundations

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Organizations can establish a solid foundation for their agile transformation by prioritizing team-level agile practices and technical practices. Teams that effectively implement these practices experience improved collaboration, increased productivity, faster feedback loops, and higher product quality. This, in turn, sets the stage for the successful scaling of agile practices and enables organizations to become more adaptive, responsive, and competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Our consultants can help your company’s experts implement technical excellence and quality practices that build on your existing ways of working. The success of agile development relies on the ability to deliver high-quality products. We help roll out team technical practices, including test-driven development (TDD), continuous integration, refactoring, and automated testing. These can play a critical role in ensuring technical excellence and maintaining product quality throughout the development lifecycle. These practices help teams identify and address technical debt, improve code maintainability, and reduce the risk of defects or regressions, leading to more reliable and robust software.

We help teams implementing team-level agile practices, such as Scrum or Kanban with the change in mindset required to get the benefit from the practices to BE agile and not just DO agile. With this, we help teams collaborate more effectively, align their efforts towards common goals, and increase their overall productivity. These practices promote transparency, communication, and accountability, enabling teams to work together efficiently and deliver value consistently.

A Local Partner

We are based in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) and specialized in delivering to the specific needs of businesses based in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and the wider GCC.

We’re proud to operate in the U.A.E. and be sensitive to the local business environment, cultural norms, and market demands. Through our years of experience in the region, we’re able to tailor our offering to the specific opportunities and challenges that can be found here.

Key Areas

Awareness & Mindset

Agile Training

Coaching Support

Methodology Development

Communities of Practices


Lean Portfolio Management
